Dear colleagues,
Staff council has invited all employees to take part in a virtual information event about the new operating agreement regarding home office and mobile working on March 24 and 29, 2022. The new operating agreement takes effect on April 1, 2022. Staff council chairperson Elli Grube, chief data security officer Simon Graupe and head of Leibniz Universität IT Services (LUIS) Dr Thomas Rupp shed light on the negotiating process and presented the new regulations that result from it. Staff members had ample opportunity to ask questions.
On this page, you will find the slides presented during the virtual event (only available in German), a link to the operating agreement (only available in German) and our answers to the questions staff members posed during the virtual event.
Presentation Slides from the Virtual Event
Operating Agreement including Attachments
Additional Information
Questions Posed During the Virtual Information Event
General Questions About the New Regulations
1.1. To whom do the new regulations apply: employees covered by collective agreements, public servants, professors?
Staff council can only make operating agreements for employees falling under the definition of the Staff Representation Act (Personalvertretungsgesetz). These are employees covered by collective agreements, public servants as well as academic and student assistants. The definition does not cover professors and assistant lecturers.
1.2. Can academic staff use the new regulations to work outside the university?
Yes, they can. Their duty of mandatory physical presence does not change that.
1.3. Do the new regulations also apply to student assistants and academic assistants?
The new regulations also apply fully to these employee groups. Only apprentices and trainee public servants are exempted. However, since home office is only allowed for employees with a weekly working time of at least 50 %, people from these employee groups whose weekly working time is less than 50 % might want to consider applying for mobile working instead.
1.4. Should student assistants make an application for mobile working in writing, or is an oral agreement sufficient?
A written agreement is preferable since this can be relied on more than an oral agreement in case of doubt.
1.5. Can I combine home office and mobile working?
Yes, that is possible. However, if you opt for the maximum amount of home office working time (80 %), be aware that any additional mobile working time will be deducted from your home office time. When combining home office and mobile working, employees must still be physically present in the university for at least 20 % of their weekly working time. Being absent for 100 % of your working time is not allowed.
1.6. What are my working hours during home office / mobile working?
During home office / mobile working, the same rules for working hours apply as when working in the university.
1.7. How do I record hours worked in home office / mobile working?
The recording of working hours in home office / mobile working is done in the same way as in the university. Employees using the electronic timekeeping can access it via the web application or book the worked hours into the system next time they work in the university.
1.8. If I change from my home office workplace to mobile working during one day, is the time spent traveling from one to the other counted as working time?
No, the time spent traveling from the home office workplace to the place of mobile working may not be counted as working time.
1.9. What is my insurance status while working in the home office workplace?
The accident insurance status in the home office workplace is the same as when working in the university.
1.10. Which labour regulations apply to home office / mobile working?
The same regulations apply as when working in the university.
1.11. Is my superior bound to deal with my application for home office / mobile working?
Employees have the right to apply for home office / mobile working, and superiors must deal with these applications. If the application does not include a statement from the superior, the personnel department will obtain the statement. If the statement is negative, the personnel department determine whether the reasons given are sufficient. Applications may only be rejected for pressing official reasons. If the personnel department plans to reject an application, they must officially involve staff council.
General Questions About Home Office
2.1. What is the difference between teleworking and home office?
Teleworking is the old name for the old regulations set down in the expired operating agreement. Home office is the name for the new regulations set down in the new operating agreement. However, both legally fulfil the definition of alternating telework according to Workplaces Ordinance (Arbeitsstättenverordnung).
2.2. Are home offices places limited?
No, the number of home office places is not limited.
2.3. Can my superior reject my application for home office? What happens in case of rejection?
No, only the personnel department takes the decision to approve or reject your application. Superiors can only make a positive or negative statement on the application. If the personnel department plans to reject an application, they must officially involve staff council.
2.4. Can my superior reject my application for home office if my application for mobile working for 30 % of my working time has already been approved?
Applications for home office may only be rejected for pressing official reasons. In case this is given as a reason for a negative statement by a superior, the case is individually examined by the personnel department and, if necessary, staff council.
2.5. How much does establishing a home office workplace cost for the institution?
This is still to be determined. However, it is dependent on the chosen technical scenario, on what furniture is needed, etc.
Questions About the Requirements for Home Office
3.1. What are the requirements for home office?
Home office requires a fixed workplace in a private residence, a telephone, an internet connection. Furthermore, the tasks the employee plans to perform there must be suited to home office. There are no further requirements (like, for example, reasons for the application).
3.2. Do I need to have a separate room for my home office workplace?
No, as long as data security regulations are still adhered to in other ways (e.g. lockable container).
3.3. Who provides the furniture and facilities for the home office workplace?
Furniture and facilities are usually provided by the university, and the institution the employee belongs covers the expenses. Furniture for home office workplaces can also be obtained from central furniture storage. Employees may use their own furniture if they so wish, but only if it complies with occupational safety requirements.
3.4. What are the requirements for furnishing a home office workplace?
You must have a sufficiently large desk (generally 180x80 cm); there must be no trip hazard due to electric cables; lighting conditions must be sufficient; the chair must fulfil ergonomic principles; if necessary for data security reasons, a lockable container is required. If the furnishings do not yet meet the required standards at the time of inspection, occupational safety officers will give you recommendations on how to remedy any defects.
3.5. Can I apply for home office while working part-time?
Yes, but only if your weekly working hours are at least 50 %. If you regularly work less than that, you may apply for home office in order to raise your weekly working hours up to 50 %. Exceptions in individual cases are subject to examination.
3.6. Does my fixed-term contract have to have a minimum length in order to be eligible for home office?
No, you can also apply for home office with a fixed-term contract. However, if the remaining time on your contract is very short, you might want to consider applying for mobile working instead.
Questions About Extent and Duration of Home Office
4.1. What is the maximum percentage of my regular working hours that can I work in home office?
The maximum amount of home office time is 80 % of regular weekly working hours in a week.
4.2. What percentage of my regular working time must be spent working in the university if I have home office?
Employees must be present in the university a minimum of 20 % of the individual weekly working time every week.
4.3. Why is there a minimum amount of mandatory physical presence in the university? Is it possible to be present in the university for less than 20 % of my working time?
Usually, this is not possible, since this rule is meant to ensure the mutual bond between employee and university. However, exceptions are possible, for example for disabled persons or because of pressing family duties, but each individual case must be examined.
4.4. What is the basis on which to calculate the 20 % minimum working time required for home office / working in the university?
The basis for the calculation is the individual weekly working time. A calculation based on half a year’s working time as with mobile working is not possible.
4.5. What do I do if I want to work less than 20 % in home office, e.g. one afternoon per week?
Mobile working should be used for shorter periods.
4.6. Is it possible to deviate from the prescribed duration of three years?
Usually, home office is agreed upon for the duration of three years. By application, a shorter period is also possible, but not a longer period.
4.7. Do I have to work in home office on the same fixed days of the week every week?
No, if the superior agrees, home office can be agreed upon without fixing the days of the week.
4.8. On a home office day, can I still come to the university for appointments and meetings?
Yes, if the superior agrees, that is possible.
4.9. Do I have to always work the complete agreed home office time in my home office workplace, or can I occasionally work in the university for some of the home office time?
In theory, it is possible to work in home office less than was agreed occasionally. However, since this touches planning reliability needs of superiors and colleagues, it is only possible if the superior and colleagues agree.
Questions About the Location of Home Office
5.1. Is it possible to work in home office from outside Germany?
No that is not possible for reasons of tax and social security regulations.
5.2. Is it possible to work in home office from another city in Germany?
Yes, that is possible.
5.3. Can I work in home office from a residence other than my own, e.g. the flat of a person I nurse?
Yes, that is possible. However, a home office workplace can only be in one place, which must then always be used for the entire home office time. If, for example, an employee wishes to work in their own flat two days a week and in the flat of a person they nurse for an additional day per week, a combination of home office (own flat) and mobile working (flat of the person being nursed) is possible.
5.4. Will representatives of the university examine my home office workplace?
Yes, the workplace will usually be examined by the occupational security office and, as the case may be, a member of staff council.
5.5. Will my home office workplace be examined even if it is far from Hannover?
Usually it is, because some examinations (e.g. light metering) can only be done on-site. In individual cases, other ways of examination may be possible, e.g. with the help of photos.
5.6. Can I share my home office workplace with another person living in my home?
Yes, but only if the workplace still complies with all requirements of occupational and data security. When a second person has access to the workplace and maybe even uses it at the same time, this will have an effect on the environment risk (Umgebungsrisiko) and the technical scenario appropriate for the workplace.
Questions About Mobile Working
6.1. What is the maximum percentage of my regular working hours that can I work in mobile working?
The maximum amount of time you can work in mobile working is 30 % of the individual working time on the basis of half a year.
6.2. What is the basis on which to calculate the 30 % maximum mobile working time?
The basis for the calculation is half a year’s working time, therefore employees can accumulate mobile working time in order to use it at a stretch and then work in the university for the rest of the half-year.
6.3. Can I work more than 30 % in mobile working, if my tasks allow it?
During the transitional period (i.e. until September 30), more than 30 % mobile working is possible if the superior agrees. After that, home office must be used for weekly amounts of remote working time of more than 30 %.
6.4. How many days a week is 30 % of weekly working time?
This depends on the individual weekly working time. If you work full-time, 30 % is almost 12 hours, or 1.5 working days per week.
6.5. Why do you make the cut-off at 30 %? Why not more than that?
This is due to a regulation issued by the Ministry of the Interior: for mobile working of more than 30 %, workplace ordinance (Arbeitsstättenverordnung) would take effect and require that the university examine the place of mobile working.
6.6. If I combine home office and mobile working, can I decide on a week-by-week basis whether to work inside or outside the university during my mobile working time?
Yes, it is possible to work in the university during mobile working time, if the superior agrees.
6.7. Do business trips, attending conferences etc. count as mobile working?
No, these still count as regular working time if they have been officially authorised. However, you can use them for mobile working if you have applied for it before.
6.8. Can my superior reject my application for mobile working? What happens in case of rejection?
Superiors may decide on applications for mobile working themselves. If they plan to reject an application, they must forward the application to the personnel department with their reasons for rejecting it, and the personnel department then must officially involve staff council.
Questions About Data Security
7.1. Which security level is applicable to my tasks? May I still perform the same tasks in home office / mobile working that I have been doing at home for the last two years?
This depends on the individual case and is part of your superior’s examination of your application. Please talk to your superior about an assessment of your tasks’ security level. Examples for typical tasks and their respective security level can be found in the official procedure for data and information security in home office and mobile working (Dienstanweisung zum Datenschutz und zur Informationssicherheit im Homeoffice und während mobiler Arbeit).
7.2. Will it still be possible to use SAP in home office / mobile working?
Yes, but only if the data security level allows it and the appropriate technical scenario is employed.
7.3. Will it be possible to access EPV from home office / mobile working?
Yes, it will.
7.4. Is it necessary to have lockable container in the home office workplace if I do not have any paper documents there?
No. A lockable container is only necessary if the employee works with documents that must be locked away for data security reasons in the home office workplace.
Questions About Technical Requirements
8.1. Is there a limited number of thin clients available?
No, the number is not limited.
8.2. Is it possible to use the technical scenario thin client without having an individual computer in the university?
Alternatively, the institute could run a locally administrated terminal server.
8.3. When I am working in home office, is it necessary for somebody to be in the university in order to switch on my computer there?
It is only necessary for the computer in the university to run simultaneously if you are using the thin client scenario. Alternatively, the institute could run a locally administrated terminal server.
8.4. Do I have to reveal my private telephone number in order to be available by phone in home office / mobile working?
No, you can redirect your office phone to your private phone. When you make a call yourself, you could disable the caller ID.
8.5. At present, some employees have redirected their office phones to private mobile phones. Will there be a different solution for telephones, e.g. VOIP?
The university is working on a solution, but it will take some more time. Until then, employees will have to use work mobile phones, redirect their office phones to private phones or similar.
8.6. Are there any solutions or official procedures for electronic files, digital signatures etc.?
Not yet. Some institutions may employ local solutions suited to their needs.
8.7. Can I get a printer for my home office workplace from LUIS?
Yes. If needed, it is possible to obtain a printer and/or scanner as part of the thin client scenario.
Questions about Existing Teleworking Agreements
9.1. I already have a teleworking place. Do I have to apply again?
No, the existing contract will remain valid until its agreed end date. As before, you will have to apply for a renewal three months before the end date of the contract.
9.2. When do I have to apply for a renewal of my teleworking agreement?
As before, you will have to apply for a renewal three months before the end date of the existing contract.
9.3. Can I change the extent of my existing agreement in view of the new regulations?
The framework of minimum 20 % and maximum 80 % weekly working time has not changed. However, changing you existing agreement is still possible. Please talk to your superior about the extent of your home office time and the tasks you will perform in home office, and then contact the personnel department.